Positions 09/02/2010

This went crazy today. Sold off most of my position for profit throughout the day. Held some to see how far it can go over time.

Sold half for a .5% loss in order to free up cash. This stock will run over the long term so losses will be regained along with profits.

Still holding a tiny position.

Still waiting for this to run. I believe it can run to well above 3.15 or even 4.

Added more today. I believe strongly in this stock. The trend should be reversing and we should see higher highs from here on out.

Entered into this position believing it would run. Was faked out and stock closed negative. This may dip a little and run sideways but I believe it will fill tha gap around 1.

Still holding a tiny position.

Day traded this stock today for around 180% gain.

Am looking to hold DGIT, DGMA, & MNDP for a few days. Everything else will hopefully be sold for the long weekend. Reports are due this Friday as well in the morning so market sentiment will have a heavy influence on strategy for Friday.


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